Sounds of Celebration Artist Bios

  • Portrait of a smiling person with a beard, glasses and closely cropped, dark hair wearing a black tshirt
    Sibu T. P.

    Sibu T.P. is an illustrator who studied English Literature at Stony Brook University and illustration at the University of Hartford. His style is somewhere between reality and memory: he likes to draw things that we all see and experience, as well as hopefully things we remember. Some of his many favorite artists are Jerry Pinkney, Ezra Jack Keats, Kadir Nelson, Ed Kinsella, Danny Schwartz, and Anand RK.

    Sibu grew up in the 1990s when Pluto was still considered a planet, and it remains one of his favorite celestial bodies. When it comes to superheroes, he can relate to Batman, who is just a regular person who tries really hard.

    He takes photos whenever he can and would like to get more into photography someday.

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