Olivia Ahn is 13 years old. Her primary language is English, but she also speaks a little Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. This was Olivia’s first chance to try voice acting, and she enjoyed reading the lines for Emi and speaking to Kenji.
Neptune and Earth are Olivia’s favorite planets. Neptune has a pretty color and a pretty name. Earth is the planet we live on, which makes it the most unique out of all of them.
Olivia’s family always celebrates Chinese New Year in February. They wear red and eat oranges, mandarins, and a lot of good food. They place a red covering representing Chinese colors over their coffee table and spend time with family.
When Olivia grows up, she wants to be a K-pop star. She likes singing and dancing to K-pop choreography and music at home. She wants to debut her skills with her best friend—it would be a lot less terrifying than trying to do it all alone!