Whether you are looking to host a STEM event at your school or organization or you are looking for events to attend, we have you covered!

Get Down! Essential Resources for STEM Event Hosts
Are you ready to host a STEM event? The Educator Guide helps administrators, organizers, and facilitators host an engaging engineering experience for families. In the activity, families help Makayla and her dad, Andre, engineer a solution to get down a drone that is stuck in a tree.
Get Down! Family Activity Guide (English and Spanish)
Each family will need at least one copy of the Activity Guide in English or Spanish. The Guide provides the context and instructions so that families can work independently on the design challenge.
Get Down! Posters (English and Spanish)
Decorate your space and offer signs so that your families know where to collect materials, test their designs, and dispose of their trash.

Pick It Up! Essential Resources for STEM Event Hosts
The Pick It Up! Educator Guide helps administrators, organizers, and facilitators host an engaging engineering experience for families. In the activity, families help Purna and her brother, Ved, engineer a solution to pick up trash that has blown into a gully.
Pick It Up! Family Activity Guide (English and Spanish)
Each family will need at least one copy of the Activity Guide in English or Spanish. The Guide provides the context and instructions so that families can work independently on the design challenge.
Pick It Up! Posters (English and Spanish)
Decorate your space and offer signs so that your families know where to collect materials, test their designs, and dispose of their trash.